Procedure for Institutional Policy GA-33: Travel

July 1, 2024

1. General


Scope: This document sets forth the procedures that must be followed for any travel by employees, Board of Governors members, students, and others traveling on behalf of the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) as authorized by Institutional Policy GA-33: Travel (“Travel Procedures”).


All employees, Board members, students, or others traveling on behalf of WVSOM must comply with these Travel Procedures to receive repayment for any expenses incurred during their travels for WVSOM.


Failure to comply with Institutional Policy GA-33 and these Travel Procedures may result in a denial of reimbursement of expenses, disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or expulsion, and, in cases of fraudulent submissions, criminal sanctions.


Authority: WVSOM Institutional Policy GA-33: Travel


Effective for travel occuring on or after July 1, 2024

2. Purpose


The purpose of these Travel Procedures is to provide a consistent set of procedures that must be followed by anyone traveling on behalf of WVSOM as required by West Virginia law referenced in Institutional Policy GA-33.

3. Approval for Travel


Approval to travel for official WVSOM business, whether or not the travel involves reimbursable expenses, must be secured in advance by a traveler in accordance with these Travel Procedures and their departmental approval process. Under no circumstances should an employee travel without proper approval of his/her spending unit manager. Travel may be authorized only when sufficient and appropriate financial resources exist to pay for travel expenses, regardless of funding source.

The President may delegate authority to others within WVSOM to act as the President’s designee for authorizing and approving travel and travel related expenses. All such authorizations and approvals shall be made in accordance with the provisions of these Travel Procedures.

Responsibility for auditing the expense account of a traveler lies with WVSOM. Approval of a traveler’s expense account settlement by WVSOM means that the expense settlement meets all the criteria established in these Travel Procedures for reimbursement. WVSOM shall audit and submit an accurate expense account settlement for reimbursement to the State Auditor’s Office within a reasonable amount of time after receiving such settlement from the traveler.

4. International Travel


All international travel must be approved in advance through the process designated by WVSOM’s Export Compliance Manager, in accordance with Institutional Policy R-07: Export Control.


Persons traveling in foreign countries shall report their expenditures in United States dollars. The total expenditure in foreign currency should be converted into United States dollars at the rate or rates at which the foreign money was obtained. The rates of conversion and the commissions charged must be shown.

Section 5. Reimbursement for Travel


For travel that includes reimbursable expenses, a requisition for travel may be submitted via Self Service Banner, accessible on the WVSOM intranet site at


Employees and students are responsible for submitting a State of West Virginia travel expense account settlement form, which can be found at, with all required receipts and attachments, within sixty (60) calendar days after the last day of approved travel to qualify for reimbursement of expenses and for payment.


For all expenses paid using personal funds, receipts are required for expenses $75 and greater except for the following, which require a receipt regardless of price:

  • Airfare- chartered or commercial
  • Automobile rentals
  • Change fee incurred to obtain lower trip cost
  • Change fee incurred for WVSOM convenience
  • Fuel for rental vehicles
  • Lodging
  • Guardian travel meals
  • Rail Transportation
  • Registration/Conference Fees
  • Car Service/limo expenses


These Travel Procedures also govern reimbursement for travel expenses to members of the Board of Governors when a Board member requests reimbursement of travel expenses for travel authorized in accordance with Board member responsibilities. Members must submit a State of West Virginia travel expense account settlement form with all required receipts and attachments to the Board’s executive administrative assistant for reimbursement of expenses and for payment. Board members shall not qualify for reimbursement of expenses if they fail to remain in actual attendance at the meeting or event for its entire duration as announced in advance. However, members with valid reasons for late arrival or early departure may be granted permission by the chair and receive full reimbursement.


When non-employees, including candidates, are eligible to receive reimbursement of travel expenses, reimbursement will be made in accordance with the travel policies and procedures of WVSOM.


Reimbursement of travel expenses paid from federal, state, and private grants will be governed by the terms and conditions of the grant if they differ from those contained in these Travel Procedures; otherwise, these Travel Procedures will govern such reimbursement.


Any exception(s) to these Travel Procedures must be explained in writing and approved by the Vice President for Finance and Facilities/CFO.

6. Transportation

6.1 Commercial Air Transportation


Allowable reimbursement for commercial airline travel will include the actual expense or cost for the least expensive logical fare via the most direct route, or a reasonable alternative route if it results in lower fare.


Travelers have the option to make advance bookings through National Travel, the contracted travel service vendor for the State of West Virginia. However, travelers should check all available rates and select the least expensive rate.


Travelers should use the State issued purchase card as the preferred method of payment when possible. WVSOM prefers direct booking over third-party travel booking sites (i.e. Expedia, Orbits, etc.).


If purchased by purchase card, insurance for airfare outside of National Travel is not needed.


If a change in the cost of airfare is incurred, the charge is reimbursable if the traveler is directed by the appropriate institutional officer to change his/her travel plans, or if extenuating circumstances arise. A receipt with the change in cost will be provided for reimbursement. Increased charges incurred due to the traveler’s negligence will be considered a personal expense. Deliberately causing increased costs or delays for the purpose of obtaining personal gratuities, such as denied boarding compensation, frequent flier points or mileage, or similar benefits is prohibited. Conversion of airline tickets for personal benefit, such as downgrading tickets, returning unused tickets for cash, credit, or personal airline tickets, or similar actions, is also prohibited.


Travelers may use a state-owned vehicle, privately owned vehicle, commercial rental vehicle, or rail service for ground transportation when traveling on official WVSOM business. Receipts and documentation are not required unless otherwise indicated below or required by WVSOM. The operator of a vehicle must possess a valid operator’s license. The operator is personally responsible for any fines/penalties resulting from citations, charges, or warrants attributable to the operator’s negligence. Such fines/penalties are not reimbursable by WVSOM.

6.2.1 State Owned Vehicles


State owned vehicles must be secured in advance by submitting a Team Dynamix Request to the Maintenance Department located on the WVSOM intranet site. State owned vehicles should be used first when available. Use of state-owned vehicles is limited only to State of West Virginia employees or person(s) approved or acting as agent(s) for WVSOM. Whenever a nonstate employee is acting as an agent for WVSOM, prior written authorization by an appropriate administrator must be obtained to allow the agent to ride in or drive the state-owned vehicle.


Roadside assistance services for fleet vehicles, if needed, may be reimbursed at actual reasonable cost. A receipt must be provided and attached to a vendor’s invoice within 60 business days after the last day of approved travel.

6.2.2 Privately Owned Vehicles


Privately owned vehicles may be used when traveling on official WVSOM business. Reimbursement will be made at the current GSA prevailing rate per mile established by the Internal Revenue Service. This rate is intended to cover all operating costs of the vehicle (including fuel, maintenance, depreciation, insurance, etc.), and no additional reimbursement will be made.


In cases where a traveler chooses to drive rather than fly while on business, reimbursement will be based on actual in-transit expenses (mileage, hotel, meals, etc.) not to exceed the lowest available commercial airfare plus local transportation to and from the airport.

6.2.3 Commercial Rental Vehicles


Commercial rental vehicles may be used when traveling on official WVSOM business. Reimbursement will be made at actual cost for the daily rental fee for a mid-size or smaller vehicle, and mileage fees and fuel costs. Original receipts and/or documentation are required for reimbursement of car rental and mileage charges or fees. Reimbursement may be made for actual fuel costs if a receipt is provided. Travelers are encouraged to return rental cars with a full tank of fuel to avoid high refueling costs charged by rental agencies.


It is recommended that travelers use the State issued purchase card as the method of payment. When using this card, all insurances must be declined. When using other forms of payment, such as personal credit card or direct billing options, the insurance should be claimed. Collision damage waivers for rentals of more than seven days are not reimbursable and should not be taken. The State of West Virginia insurance program automatically covers collision insurance for vehicle rentals in excess of seven days. No other insurance or insurance like product is reimbursable for rentals used in the United States, unless required by law. Full coverage insurance is a reimbursable expense for any approved vehicle used outside the United States.


Roadside assistance services for rental vehicles, if needed, may be reimbursed at actual reasonable cost. A receipt must be provided and attached to a vendor’s invoice within 60 business days after the last day of approved travel.

6.2.4 Rail Serivce

Rail Service may be used for ground transportation in accordance with WVSOM’s guidelines and procedures. Travelers are expected to make advanced bookings and use the least expensive logical fare via the most direct route, or other reasonable route that results in a lower fare. Original receipts/documentation are required for reimbursement.

7. Lodging

7.1 Reservations

All lodging reservations shall be made at the least expensive single room rate. Reservations for in-state lodging should be made directly with the lodging establishment. Out-of-state lodging reservations may be made directly by the traveler, remembering to search for the least expensive rate.


WVSOM has received special rates for lodging at The Greenbrier which may only be accessed for Board members, Statewide Campus employees, or WVSOM visitors if there are no other acceptable accommodations available in Lewisburg and the President approves.

7.3 Reimbursement


Reimbursement for lodging will be at the least expensive single room rate available. For multiple occupancy, reimbursement may be claimed fully by one traveler with no claim filed by the other traveler, or each traveler may be reimbursed at equal percentages of the total actual cost for accommodations. If accommodations are shared with other travelers, their name(s) must be noted on the travel settlement. Reimbursement for multiple occupancy, when only one of the travelers is on higher education business, will be at the least expensive single room rate. In the event that a single room rate cannot be documented or otherwise determined, reimbursement will be made at eighty percent (80%) of the actual lodging costs.


Reimbursement for lodging shall include actual expenses for overnight accommodations, use of a room during daytime, and all applicable taxes and surcharges. The lodging establishment statement, invoice, or folio shall be the official document utilized for reimbursement and is not required to show a zero balance.


If a change in lodging needs occurs, the cost of the change, if any, is reimbursable if the traveler is directed to change her or his travel plans, or if other extenuating circumstances arise, as approved by the immediate supervisor of the traveler. Charges incurred due to the negligence of the traveler to notify the facility of a change in lodging needs are not reimbursable.

8. Meals


Meal expense reimbursement is limited to actual expenses for food, service, and gratuities up to the prevailing GSA meal rate and incidental rate ($5) per day which aligns with the meal reimbursement for the city traveled found on the U.S. General Services Administration website:


Alcoholic beverages and entertainment expenses are specifically excluded and nonreimbursable.


When meals are provided for a traveler, the traveler’s maximum daily rate shall be reduced by an appropriate amount according to GSA rates and breakdown for city/state.


Travel meals will be reimbursed at 75% the first day of travel and 75% the last day of travel.

9. Registration Fees


Fees or charges for attendance at conferences, meetings, seminars, and/or workshops, as well as event related materials, are reimbursable expenses at actual cost. The traveler must provide a receipt or other approved documentation from the event sponsor to receive reimbursement. If paying by check, the traveler must submit the front and back of the check.

9.2 The preferred method for paying registration fees (in priority order) is as follows:


a State issued Purchasing Card;


personal charge card, personal check, or cash.


The traveler shall not receive an allowance or reimbursement for lodging or food that is included in the registration fee. An association dues payment that appears on the registration form is not a reimbursable expense.

10. Other Expenses

10.1 Reimbursable Expenses


Travelers may incur other business-related expenses for which reimbursement may be made if appropriate. Receipts are not required unless reimbursement is in excess of current IRS limits for miscellaneous expenses. Such expenses and reimbursement may include, but are not limited to:


Baggage handling when using public transportation (i.e., taxi, limousine, air porter services, or airport/rail curbside check-in).


Baggage storage between appointments, and between hotel and meeting places;


Garage and parking fees;


Currency conversion;


Guides, interpreters, and visa fees.

10.2 Non-reimbursable Expenses


Non-reimbursable travel related expenses include the cost of passports (not as a travel expense, but may be considered as a direct charge to the institution), interest on late payment of individually held credit cards, laundry fees, and personal flight or baggage insurance. Exceptions may be approved by the Chancellor, President or designee.

11. Form of Payment for Business Travel

Travelers should use the State issued purchase card for business related travel expenses when applicable. The State issued purchase cards are to be used only for official travel related business of WVSOM.