Institutional Policy: GP-04
GP 04-1. Authority
W. Va. Code § 18B-1-6
GP 04-2. Grading Scale
The following grading scale shall be employed at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine for graduate programs:
90-100% (A)………………...Excellent Performance
80-89% (B)……………………...Good Performance
70-79% (C)………………….Adequate Performance
Below 70% (F)………………………………Failure
WP……………………………..Withdrawal Passing
WF……………………………...Withdrawal Failing
70R…………...……Successful Course Remediation
GP 04-3. Reporting and Records
All grades will be recorded and reported to the nearest whole number.
Pass (P) indicates competency in a course not requiring a numerical grade. P is not averaged with the grades to determine a grade point average.
Incomplete (I) indicates that a student has not completed all of the required work by the end of the course. Normally, this lack of completed work entails only a small portion of the work and falls at the end of the grading period. Incompletes should be granted only when, in the judgment of the course director, a student cannot complete all required work due to circumstances beyond the student’s control.
A grade of I must be removed no later than the end of the second Friday in June of the same academic year. In cases of circumstances beyond their control and at the discretion of the Course Director with permission from the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, a student may be given permission to extend the completion date of a course.
The requirements for the removal of an I should be obtained from the Course Director who assigned the course grade. When the student receives an I due to an excused absence from the final exam, the I will be removed upon completion of the make-up exam.
If the grade of I is not removed by the end of the second Friday in June of the same academic year, or in the time approved for any extension, the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs will be notified by the Registrar and the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs will order a permanent grade of 65 and Failure F be recorded for the course.
Withdrawal (W) indicates withdrawal from the institution when no grades are available from a course or rotation. Students may not withdraw from an individual course.
Withdrawal Pass (WP) indicates withdrawal from the institution when grades are available from a course and are greater than or equal to 70%. Students may not withdraw from an individual course.
Withdrawal Failure (WF) indicates withdrawal from the institution when grades are available from a course and are less than 70%. Students may not withdraw from an individual course.
70R indicates successful remediation of a course. A grade of 70 will be used to calculate the student’s grade point average and class standing.