Cybersecurity Awareness Month


Once you click you cant go back. Think before you click.

Think Before You Click

Phishing attacks are the #1 gateway to cyberattacks and pose as emails that entice users to reveal personal information. Suspicious emails and links should never be opened or clicked. Report phishing attempts to the Information Technology Department’s

Pump up your password strength.

Password Protection

Cybercriminals love weak passwords! Protect yourself and your organization by following these best practices:

  • Don't share your password.
  • Change your password on a regular basis.
  • Make passwords hard to guess and unpredictable.
  • Use a different password for each app and website.

Multi-factor, Two-Factor, Two-Step... Whatever you call it, use it.

Turn On Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor, or MFA for short, is a must have cybersecurity measure for an account that requires anyone to log in by making your prove your identity in multiple different ways. Some of these include: a fingerprint, or responding to a text message or a email verification code. Visit Duo Mobile App Reauthentication to learn more.

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Smart Devices Aren't That Smart

Lets face it, most smart devices aren't actually that smart when it comes to protection against cybercrimes. Software companies release regular updates on their services to constantly improve security and solve issues. Keeping your software's up to date helps close those gaps where cybercriminals are constantly trying to sneak in.