Help Desk
Welcome to the WVSOM IT Help Desk! Our purpose is to assist students, faculty and staff with a range of technology issues, including hardware and software support, network and email account problems, questions related to student printing, as well as many other technology related issues. The IT Help Desk is located in the Technology Building, and is open Monday through Friday, 8am to 4:30pm for in person support. Assistance can also be requested anytime by email or by submitting a TeamDynamix ticket.
For IT support after hours, on weekends, and on observed holidays, users can call 304-647-6246 to obtain assistance from our afterhours support vendor, BlackBeltHelp. After-hours support on weekdays begins at 4:15 PM each day and runs until 8:15 AM the following morning. Weekend support beings at 4:15 PM on Friday and ends on Monday at 8:15 AM. Issues unable to be resolved by BBH agents will be elevated to WVSOM IT support, and will be addressed during normal business hours.
All service requests, including those initiated in person and on the phone, are tracked via the TeamDynamix ticketing system. Each request is assigned to an appropriate Information Technology Department staff, who then works directly with the requestor to obtain additional details. Any tasks associated with the tickets are fully documented, and any problems or delays are noted. Communication with the requestor is the responsibility of the assigned technician. All TeamDynamix tickets are prioritized based on the following:
- Critical- More than one user, system, computer or network down
- Urgent- VIP down or other special circumstances
- High- One user down
- Medium- One or more users are affected but not down
- Normal- Convenience, normal schedule, nothing is affected or down
- Project- Proactive activities
Planning and development requests receive specific scheduling and personnel assignments in coordination with the Director of Information Technology/CTO.