Graduation Resources

Dear Members of the Class of 2025,

We are very excited about your upcoming Graduation!  It will be a great celebration of your accomplishments!  Congratulations!!!

Graduation will be on Friday, May 2, 2025 starting at 2 p.m. The event is not a ticketed event, so you are welcome to invite as many guests as you would like to attend. Your graduation will be conducted under an open air tent where seating will be first come, first serve the day of the event. There will be indoor seating in adjacent facilities if needed, tent occupancy is 2500.

This webpage provides the information you need to get ready for your graduation. Included on this page are important forms that need to be filled out by you.

Please direct questions about graduation to Dr. Roberts, Mara Davis or Marietta Harvey. Dr. Roberts will be available to help throughout graduation day by phone or in person.

I look forward to seeing you in May to celebrate with you and your loved ones!

Best regards,
Jim Nemitz, Ph.D. 

Regalia - Required - Deadline to order January 13, 2025.

Students are required to wear regalia.

dark-green graduation cap icon
Regalia and Frames

For graduation only, please place a separate order for non-graduation-related items.


dark green jeweled ring icon
Announcements and Class Ring 

Do not use this link to order frames.

We get many calls from family members wanting to order items for you. Especially announcements! They are proud of your achievement and hard work. Coordinate with them to ensure you don't duplicate orders for frames and other items.

If you have any other questions, contact the bookstore.

Sizing your regalia

Please measure your head in inches then check the conversion chart for the correct size. Make sure that the tape is secure and tight, but not too tight. Rather your tam be a little form-fitting, than too loose. Once the tam is ordered, it cannot be changed or exchanged.

Tam Conversion Chart



19 1/2

6 3/8


6 1/2

20 1/2

6 5/8


6 3/4

21 1/2

6 7/8



22 1/2

7 1/8


7 1/4

23 1/2

7 3/8


7 1/2

24 1/2

7 5/8


7 3/4

25 1/2

7 7/8



Cap and Gown Care
  • Do NOT iron your gown. Once received place it on a hanger in the bathroom and let the steam from the shower release the wrinkles. If you would like more wrinkles removed, please use Steam ONLY! You can ruin the velvet and the gown by ironing. Never iron the gown.
  • A safety pin can be used to pin your hood to your gown once you are hooded. This will keep it in place. Also, a button on a dress shirt can be used to attach the hood.
  • When you receive your hat be sure to put your name inside your hat. You will do a hat toss after the conclusion of the ceremony and since they are custom-made, you will definitely want your own hat back. You should be able to peel the name off your regalia bag and put it in your hat. If not, we will have some masking tape and a Sharpie to write your name. Do not lose your tassel.

Graduation Class of 2025 - May 2, 2025, 2 p.m.

The ceremony can be viewed live on the commencement webpage. The broadcast will begin shortly before the 2 p.m. start time. 

Required forms

D.O. Special Hooder Request

You may request a special hooder by submitting the Hooding Request Form before April 2, 2025, 4:30 p.m.

If you do not request a special hooder an Associate Dean will hood you.

Special Hooder Requirements

  • Terminal degree (i.e. D.O., M.D., Ph.D., D.D.S., J.D., etc.)

What should the special hooder wear?

  • Business casual
  • Suit and tie
  • Academic regalia
  • White coat
D.O. Military Graduates

Military graduates and Veterans are recognized and honored at the Graduation Awards Ceremony on Thursday with a presentation of the WVSOM AMOPS coin. There is a reception at 2 p.m., with the ceremony beginning at 2:30 p.m. under the graduation tent. Graduates are encouraged to wear their military dress uniforms.

The commissioning ceremony is in the Alumni Center Greenbrier Military School Museum Thursday, May 1, 2025, 4:30 p.m.

You need to contact your service branch to discuss the details regarding commissioning and make sure you have your paperwork with you. 

Please contact Marietta Harvey if you are a military graduate or a veteran.

All Graduates

Financial Aid Exit Checklist

Items below only need to be completed if the graduate took out loans at any time while attending WVSOM.

  • Review Indebtedness and complete Exit Counseling at no later than April 25, 2025.
  • Financial Wellness for Medical School and Beyond
  • has great information on Managing Repayment.
  • Check your email for information from our Business Office and ECSI concerning your PCL and/or WVMSLP if you borrowed under these programs.
  • Private Loans and Residency/Relocation loans are not reported through NSLDS or ECSI. Don't forget them.
  • Students must attend the mandatory Exit Counseling session for their program, check your program schedule.

Your Diploma

The registrar's office will email you an 8 x 10 PDF copy of your diploma a week after graduation.

Hotels in Lewisburg fill up fast; please make reservations early. Lodging and dining information can be found on the Greenbrier Valley Website.

Arrive on campus early. The Line - Up starts begins at 1:30 p.m.

The ceremony will last approximately 2.5 hours followed by a reception.

Graduation Seating

There is no restriction on the number of guests; tickets are not required.

The event is under a tent in the parade field. Lightweight, business casual attire, and comfortable shoes are recommended.

Indoor seating will be available, and the ceremony can be viewed via livestream in our conference center.

Reserved Seating Areas

There are reserved seating areas for the graduates, guests with disabilities and their family members, faculty, hooders, and guests of the president. These reserved areas will be pointed out during the graduation rehearsal on Thursday, May 1.

To arrange accommodations for guests with disabilities, contact Melinda Adkins at 304-647-6301

Security & Parking

Security is managed by the state police. You will be directed to park in specific lots as you arrive. Map and Directions

Handicapped Parking

Parking for disabled persons is located in P4—Fredric W. Smith Science Building. If you need to park in the handicapped parking area, please inform the attendants, who will direct you to the reserved parking spaces. Golf carts will be available to help guests from the parking lots to the tent. Please note WVSOM does not provide wheelchairs.

Video and Photography

Live Video Stream

The graduation ceremony will be streamed live online, with the recording available shortly after the live event. If anyone prefers to watch the ceremony indoors, it will also be broadcast in the Conference Center in the WVSOM Student Center.


Are Pets allowed?

Pets are prohibited inside the tent. Those who bring them will be asked to leave. Service animals are welcome.

Are noisemakers allowed?

No, it is encouraged to cheer on your graduate; however, noisemakers are prohibited.

Will the bookstore be open?

Yes, the campus store will be open following the ceremony.

Wednesday, April 30, 2025

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Conference Center
2nd floor Student Center

Graduate Check-In (required)
"Almost Alumni" Luncheon - Sponsored by Alumni Association

Check-in during this time frame for your regalia and packet pick up.

1 – 1:30 p.m.

Conference Center
2nd floor Student Center

Welcome and Overview of Schedule (required)
  • James W. Nemitz, Ph.D., President
  • Linda Boyd, D.O., Vice President of Academic Affairs & Dean
  • Dawn Roberts, Ed.D., Associate Dean of Student Affairs
  • Shannon Warren, Executive Director of Alumni Relations/CME

1:45 p.m.

Main Building Portrait Studio
(check packet information for your time)

Individual Portraits (required)

Bring your regalia for the portrait photo.

6 – 8 p.m.

Conference Center
2nd floor Student Center

Class of 2025 Reception

Amber Reed, Coordinator of Student Affairs

Thursday, May 1, 2025

8 – 9:30 a.m.

Year 2 Classroom
Tech Building

Financial Aid Exit Session (required)

It is mandatory for any graduate who has borrowed money to pay for their medical education. Continental Breakfast will be provided

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Alumni Center

Graduation Brunch
Sponsored by Alumni Association

For Spouses & Significant Others

9:30 a.m. 


Class Photo & Hat Toss (required)

You must have your cap and gown with you;
please do not wear jeans, shorts or flip-flops.

10:30 a.m. 

Begin in the Clinical Evaluation Center (CEC) with the procession to the Graduation Tent

Graduation Rehearsal (required)

Includes review of hooders and proper pronunciation of names.
Box Lunch will be provided.

1 p.m.

RHI Graduation Celebration

Alumni Center

For RHI participants


2 p.m.

Graduation Awards Ceremony

Graduation Tent

Reception 2 – 2:30 p.m.
Ceremony starts at 2:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

Greenbrier Military School Museum located at the 
Roland P. Sharp Alumni Center

Military Ceremony

begins after the awards ceremony concludes

5 – 7 p.m.

Roland P. Sharp Alumni Center and Patio

Graduation Celebration BBQ

For Graduates, Families, and the WVSOM community

Friday, May 2, 2025

1 p.m.


Graduates Assemble

1:30 p.m.


Graduation Line-Up (required)

2 p.m.

Parade Field Graduation Tent

Graduation Ceremony begins 

Immediately following ceremony

Roland P. Sharp Alumni Center and Conference Center
2nd floor Student Center


TBD week of April 15 - 18, 2025

8 – 9 a.m.

Lower-level bookstore

Cap and gown pick up (required)

Pick up cap & gown 

Wednesday, April 16

1 – 2:30 p.m.

MSBS Classroom

Financial Aid Exit Session (required)


Thursday, April 17, 2025

3:00 p.m.


 Class Group Photo

Thursday, May 1, 2025

10:30 a.m.

Clinical Evaluation Center (CEC) Grand Hall

Graduate Rehearsal

5 – 7 p.m.

Roland P. Sharp Alumni Center and Patio

Graduation Celebration BBQ

For graduates, families, and the WVSOM community.

Friday, May 2, 2025

8 – 11 a.m.

Clingman Center

Class of 2025 MSBS Celebration

1 p.m.

CEC Grand Hall

Graduates Assemble

1:30 p.m.


Graduation Line-up

2 p.m



Parade Field Graduation Tent

Staff, along with police, will be positioned around campus on the day of the event for assistance.

The campus directory can be reached through your Outlook address book.