The ORSP is responsible for reviewing grants and sponsored projects prior to submission for compliance with Federal, State, local, and Institutional requirements. The ORSP is also responsible for submitting grants or sponsored projects on behalf of the institution. This office also procures internal approval for such submissions. Additionally, staff in the office, as well as the Office of Business Affairs (OBA), are available to assist with budget development and to provide guidance on allowable costs. Finally, the ORSP staff offer assistance with seeking appropriate grants and sponsored projects and grants-personship.
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The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) must review all research proposals and grant applications prior to submission. Procedures for submission, timelines to ensure adequate review is completed, and both ORSP and PI responsibilities are available here:
Submission of Proposal for Extramural Support procedures
Submit the following to the ORSP at least 5 days prior to the proposal submission deadline:
As described in the above procedures for Extramural Support, the ORSP requires a minimum of 5 business days to review and approve a project before a grant application can be submitted to the appropriate external funding organization. Note that if the proposal is planned as a subaward to WVSOM, where another institution is applying for the award, WVSOM still needs all of this information to review. See the section below for more information.
All the required sponsored programs award procedures apply (e.g. all documents required at least 5 business days in advance, etc.), however the budget needs to explain the subrecipient’s portion of the work. Please break down the budget to include separate documents for:
The same procedures apply as usual; however, the ORSP needs fewer documents. The ORSP will just need WVSOM’s part of the application. The ORSP needs all these documents 5 business days in advance of the due date TO THE PRIME. For example, if the grant is due to the sponsor on October 5, and the Prime has a policy requiring all documents 5 days in advance, then WVSOM needs the subaward documents for internal routing 10 days in advance, so we can submit to the Prime for their 5 days in advance. The required documents include:
During budget development, calculating the amount of time and effort you will devote to the project may be required. This is important if you request salary, or commit any specific time in the budget narrative (see cost sharing below).
Time and effort worksheet
For more information on time and effort, see the post-award page and FAQs on how to report time and effort.
Direct costs are those costs incurred that are directly attributable to the project. These are the costs you typically put in your budget and budget narrative. See "key items" below for more information.
Indirect costs (also known as F&A)
Costs are generally allowable in a federally sponsored grant if they meets four criteria.
Be aware of these, as the pre-award review will look for these. Sometimes, unallowable costs are permitted if prior approval is provided. Some examples of generally unallowable costs are:
Prior approval is when the awarding agency approves the detailed budget and budget narrative as described. It is imperative that all items listed in the budget be clearly defined in the budget justification or narrative when submitted.
Prior approval is also required after an award is made if there are planned changes to the budget or scope of work. Prior to implementing such things, the sponsoring agency MUST be consulted and approve the changes. Typical key changes in budget that need to be submitted include (but are not limited to):
The WVSOM Grants Administrator will help the PI navigate this process. All prior approval or change requests are submitted by the ORSP, unless otherwise discussed and agreed to.
All federal grants financial rules are regulated by the "Uniform Guidance", 2 CFR 200. This Guidance is actually a requirement, despite its name. Both the Grants Administrator in the ORSP and Grants Financial Officer in the OBA may provide assistance in interpreting and understanding these regulations.
Cindy WhiteOffice of Research and Sponsored ProgramsAdministrative Assistant304-647-6289