Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP)
WVSOM is committed to working with animal subjects in an ethical manner. WVSOM holds an Animal Welfare Assurance through the Office of Animal Welfare (D16-00151/A3238-01, Expires March 31, 2027).
Any research proposal that uses vertebrate animals or animal tissue must have the protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). PIs should contact the IACUC chair for information regarding requirements for review. The IACUC will only review research projects that have received approval from the ORSP (through completion and review of the ORSP-1 form).
Animal Welfare Policies
- PHS Policy
- Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
- NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)
- OLAW IACUC Guidebook
- USDA Animal Welfare Act Web page
- USDA APHIS Center for Animal Welfare
WVSOM Animal Care and Use Policies and Procedures
Contact for additional information.
IACUC Occupational Health and Safety Program
WVSOM's occupational health and safety program is managed through WVSOM's Human Resources and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. The program includes annual medical surveillance, audiometry, respiratory fit testing, pulmonary function testing and vaccinations, upon recommendation. WVSOM contracts with the West Virginia University Health Sciences Center Occupational Medicine division for planning and monitoring of the WVSOM Occupational Health and Safety Program. Any person interacting or exposed to animals is required to undergo medical monitoring through WVU and maintain medical clearance. At a minimum, the monitoring occurs annually, or any time there has been:
- a change in the types of animals you are working with,
- a change in the activity with animals that involves changes in exposure risk,
- a change or addition of a toxic chemical/pathogen you are working with, or
- a change in your health status.
In order to initiate annual (or more often, as described above) monitoring, please complete the medical monitoring questionnaire. New users should choose the link that indicates "I don't have a login." Use your WVSOM email address (
Submitting, Amending, or Closing an IACUC Protocol
The IACUC considers protocols on a rolling basis.
Steps for IACUC protocol submission and review of a protocol
- Complete the required IACUC training (at a minimum the CITI Program "Animal Researchers and Staff" and "Minimizing Pain and Distress" courses). Your protocol cannot be approved until all trainings are completed and medical clearance is granted by/for each personnel listed on the study.
- Additional trainings will be indicated when the Research Project Initiation form (ORSP-1) is submitted or amended, or upon receipt of the IACUC protocol submission.
- Contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) with any additional administrative questions.
- Contact the IACUC Chair or IACUC Administrator with any protocol related questions or content questions.
- Submit the protocol through the electronic system. For questions about electronic protocol application, contact the IACUC Administrator.
- The IACUC Chair or designee and Attending Veterinarian will do a pre-review and may require changes prior to sending to the full committee.
- The IACUC will conduct a full review with the convened committee.
- It is typical of the Committee to require modifications in order for approval to be granted.
- Do NOT initiate any animal activities (including ordering of animals) until you have received an approval letter, signed by the IACUC Chair, from the ORSP.
- All personnel who work with animals for research or educational purposes are required to complete training related to personnel safety and animal welfare.
- Online courses through CITI are required.
- Specific requirements are based on your interaction with the animals.
- Contact the ORSP for more information.
- All personnel who work with animals must participate in the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) monitoring program overseen by Human Resources, the ORSP, and the IACUC and receive medical clearance, as described above.
Reporting an animal care concern
WVSOM will immediately investigate an allegation of abuse of research animals, or misconduct regarding animal use in research. You do not have to identify yourself and you may report concerns anonymously. You will not be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations. To report an animal welfare concern anonymously, you may:
- fill out an Animal Welfare Incident Report (paper copies available in the animal care facility). Your IP address is stripped before the report is sent to the IACUC, so you may remain anonymous. You do not need to identify yourself on this form, or provide contact information. However, if you choose to identify yourself in the report, your identity will be kept confidential to the extent possible.
- Appointments
Cindy White
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Administrative Assistant
304-647-6289- IACUC Administrator
Peter Feltman, MS
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Research Integrity and Compliance Administrator
304-647-6284- IACUC Chair
Christopher Pankey, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
304-793-6576- Institutional Official
Linda Boyd, DO
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean- OLAW
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
National Institutes of Health