Raeann L. Carrier, Ph.D. Director, Office of National Boards and Exam Center Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Office: (304) 793-6592 Fax: (304) 793-6884
B.S., Biology, Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV
Ph.D., Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy, Columbus, OH
My primary research interests involve educational outcomes. My work establishes in-house parameters to evaluate written examination indicators of student success. Through creation and oversight of an Item Writing Group here at WVSOM, I have developed a series of COMLEX prep (CPREP) questions for the second year exams as well as implemented a comprehensive End of Year One exam. These items follow national standard parameters for question design and are multidiscipline, comprehensive, and cumulative. We are currently working to standardize all of our exam questions to better assess institutional curricular outcomes.
It is my overall goal to enhance student scholarship through the investigation of learning outcomes following different methods of enhanced training including properly formatted and effective testing.
Hamrick, L., Harter, S., Fox, C., Dhir, M., and Carrier, R.L.: “Just Say Know to Drugs!” A High School Pharmacology Enrichment Program for a Rural Population, Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 119 (3): 199-207
Carrier R.L., Linsenmeyer M.: Improving Assessment of Integration Through a Comprehensive Assessment Plan. Medical Science Educator, 25 (4): 1-9
Carrier, R.L., Linsenmeyer, M.: “How do we know students are getting it? Tools and Methods for Assessment of Cognitive Integration” IAMSE (Roanoke, VA, June 2019)
Carrier, R.L.: “Utilizing outcomes and objectives to improve student learning and exam development” as part of the symposium Assessing Pharmacology in Integrated Curricula (RLC serving as chair). ASPET/Experimental Biology (San Diego, CA, April 2018)
Carrier, R.L., Linsenmeyer, M.: Assessment of Cognitive Integration and Student Learning through Innovative Techniques.” IAMSE (Burlington, VT; June 2017)
Bridges, K.G., Hanna, J.B., Krajacic, P., Ridpath, L., Thomas, E.R., Carrier, R.L.: Predictive Value of Comprehensive End of Year One Exam for COMLEX Level 1 Performance (IAMSE; Burlington, VT; June 2017)
Carrier, R.L., “The Use of High-Fidelity Simulation in an Integrated Patient Presentation Curriculum” as part of the symposium Game-Based Learning and Clinical Simulation for Pharmacology. ASPET/Experimental Biology, (Chicago, Il; April 2017)
Carrier, R.L., “Pharmacology of Sleep Drugs” West Virginia Sleep Society Annual Meeting, September, 2016)
Linsenmeyer, M., Carrier, R.L.: Assessment of Cognitive Integration Through Innovative Techniques. AACOM (Washington D.C.; April 2016)
Carrier, R.L., Bridges, K.G., Garlitz, J., Hanna, J.B., Thomas, E.R., Thompson, A.R.: Development of COMLEX Prep Question to Provide Feedback for Enhanced Student Learning. American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM; Washington D.C., April 2016)