Faculty Development, Academic Technology & Instructional Design

OAED offers development opportunities for a wide variety of individuals including students/residents (future faculty), new faculty, faculty with primary teaching responsibilities in Years 1 and 2, and clinicians with a variety of teaching responsibilities across the continuum of medical education.

OAED staff work to offer and enhance development initiatives, support constituents in innovative practices, train in the best instructional design strategies, and increase awareness and participation in programs to improve teaching and learning.  Staff also instructs faculty on the best practices for implementing academic technology in the classroom and offers assistance implementing technology resources to achieve the best possible outcome.

WVSOM Faculty Ed Tech/Faculty Development Site (Sign in through WVSOM required)

Access the new site here (Available as of 12/11/2023)

Upcoming Faculty Development Events

December 11, 2023: Faculty In-Service

January 9, 2024: "Using AI in Medical Education" with Marina Diioia and Chris Pankey

February 13, 2024: "Research Resources" with Dovenia Ponnoth

Spring 2024 Learning Labs

Library Resources and Copyright with Mary Essig: 1/25 at 11am, 2/27 at 3pm, 4/3 at 8am

JEDI Thread Integration Ideas with Courtney Eleazer: Dates TBD

Software Training with Katie Williams: Dates TBD

AMS Demos

June 28, 2023- Elentra Demo- Clinical Education- Recording Link   Passcode: +0ekAegb  Evaluation Link

June 30, 2023- Elentra Demo- Curriculum Management- Recording Link   Passcode: =0?35wZB  Evaluation Link

July 18, 2023- Elentra Demo- Clinical Education 2- Recording Link Passcode: a@kW9qbK  Evaluation Link

July 20, 2023- Elentra Demo- LMS- Recording Link Passcode: a%Z9fgjG  Evaluation Link

July 31, 2023- Elentra Demo- Portfolio- Recording Link Passcode: =.yyCF^3

If you missed a demo for a previous software platform reviewed through the Educational Resources Committee, please contact OAED for access to recorded demos.

Curriculum Building Series

Neil Mehta, MD Part 1 - 07/19/2022

Neil Mehta, MD Part 2 – 08/23/2022

Holly Gooding, MD – 09/30/2022

Dr. Rob Martello – 10/26/2022

Faculty Development Tracks

To support our efforts Faculty Development is offered in four different tracks shown below.  However, faculty may benefit from any of the resources in all four tracks.

Faculty Development Track 1: Years 1 and 2

If you are asked to login just enter your name and email address.

eMedley Resources

Logging into eMedley


Searching for Content with Calendar

Entering, Editing, and Deleting Session Outcomes

Creating a Homework Assignment


Finding Your Evaluations


Search and View Questions

Bulk Question Alignment in examn

Turning Point for Faculty

How to Get the New Version of Turning Point

Exam Soft

Basic Navigation for Faculty

Faculty Development Videos and Webinars

Transform Your Education Practice to Ensure Successful Learning February 2020

Using Microsoft Teams in Small Group Learning August 2020

Moving from Remote Teaching to Online Learning June 2020

Tagging Update in examn March 2020

Conversations on Coaching November 2019

Continuing Conversations on Coaching January 2020

Item Writing 201 June 2019

Improving Lectures Through Peer Review August 2019

Updates on EPA's in Medical Education October 2019

So You Want to Apply for a Grant March 2019

Introduction to Simulations April 2019

Human Subject Research February 2019

Conversations on Coaching:  Professionalism September 2020

Medical Education 2030

NBOME COMLEX USA Update for Faculty January 2021

Unconscious Bias and Race in Medicine January 2021

Strategies for Improving Interactions with Colleagues March 2021

Continued Conversations on Coaching-Faculty Feedback for Students Future

The Journey of Dr. Bridgett Morrison April 2021

Kaplan Medical Presentation August 2022

WellConnect Training/Information

Faculty In Service 2022: Fostering Critical Thinking in the Pre-clinical Classroom

Introduction to Butterfly Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) and Butterfly Academy

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

NBOME Presentation- Dr. Gimpel

Easy Integration of Osteopathic Principles- May 2023

Faculty In Gathering- June 2023

ScholarRX Modules with Dr.Feger

ExamSoft with Dr. Diioia

Coaching for Student Success 2023

Strategies for Integrated Debriefing 2023

Microsoft Teams

Using Teams for Small Group Learning

Faculty Development Track 2: New Faculty

Welcome to WVSOM!

The resources below will assist you as you continue your orientation to WVSOM.

Videos for New Faculty Orientation:

WVSOM from 30,000 Feet

An overview of WVSOM and our history.


Orientation to Curriculum at WVSOM

This orientation session will introduce faculty to the Curriculum at WVSOM, and provide foundational knowledge for the remaining New Faculty resources.


Orientation to Instructional Strategies and Active Learning at WVSOM

Outcomes and Tagging in eMedley

Dr. Machelle Linsenmeyer discusses outcomes and tagging for lectures in eMedley.




More Information:

For more information on the OAED portion of new faculty orientation, including classroom observations, please contact Dr. Marina Diioia.

Faculty Development Track 3: Clinicians Years 3, 4, and GME and Statewide Campus

Statewide Campus Webinars and Modules

If you are asked to sign in, just enter your name and email address.


Authentic Workplace Assessment through the use of Entrustable Professional Activities

Continuous Quality Improvement: Benefits to Precepting and Your Practice

Prevention of Physician Suicide: A Coach's Role

SNAPPS-Expressing Clinical Reasoning and Uncertainties During Case Presentations

Virtual Conversations Regarding Telemedicine

Fighting Fatigue and Burnout for Physicians

Boundary Considerations in Clinical Settings

Unconscious Bias and Race in Medicine

Title IX Considerations in Clinical Settings--March 2021

Modules (Each module is .5 CME)

Case Presentations Part 1: SNAPPS

Case Presentations Part 2:  One Minute Preceptor

Communicating Effectively with Students: Part 1- How to Avoid Unnecessary Conflict

Communicating Effectively with Students: Part 2 - Giving and Receiving Feedback

Orienting and Integrating Students into Your Clinical Practice

Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a Clinical Setting

Fostering Life Long Learners: Part 1- Encouraging Reflective Practice

Fostering Lifelong Learners: Part 2- Developing Skills for Evidence-based Practice

Fostering Lifelong Learners: Part 3 - Teaching Students Basic Literature Review

Promoting Wellness in Medical Education

A.I. in Medical Education


Track 4: Students/Residents

This track is still under development.  Below are some resources that may be helpful to current students.


NBOME Presentation- Dr. Gimpel


eMedley Resources for Year 1 & 2 Students Since April 2022 Upgrade


eMedley Instructions

Color Coding for Calendar

eMedley Resources Prior to April 2022 Upgrade for Year 1 & 2 Students

eCurriculum Features

Finding the Syllabi

Viewing the Calendar and Searching Curriculum

Exporting and Printing the Calendar

Subscribing to the Calendar

eKeeper Features

Reviewing Dashboard Information

eValuate Features

Completing and Submitting an Evaluation

educate Features

Using Educate

Finding Syllabi and Overall Course Documents

Viewing Videos and Installing Chrome Extension

Submitting Homework

Steps for Getting Ready to Take a Secure Exam

Taking a Secure Exam

Overall Student Guide to eMedley

Resources for Year 3 & 4 Students

SWC Clinical Resources

Turning Point


Dr. Marina Diioia can provide assistance with faculty development.  

Phone: (304) 647-6370